Monday 1 July 2013


The second half of the year is here now and there looks to be some amazing films hitting the theatres in the coming months. In this post I will briefly talk about some of the films in which I am most excited for and why.

First of all, Lars von Trier's new film, Nymphomaniac, comes out in December (in Denmark, i'm presuming the UK will get it the following week or sometime near that date). Lars von Trier is the auteur behind the haunting 'Antichrist' film that both shocked and excited film enthusiasts four years ago.
His upcoming film could either be hit or miss, as a founder of the Dogme 95 movement of film, his
style is extremely unique and there is usually a division in the responses from both audiences and critics. I am a fan on von Trier's work, I think that differences in cinema is part of what makes it my favourite form of expression, and the Lars von Trier is definitely different.
A clip from the film (which can be found here) was released a while back and has been generating a lot of talk on social media websites and film blogs. The clip features typical von Trier camera techniques such as filming in handheld and with simple framing, almost giving the impression that a lot of it is filmed by an amateur. This film will definitely be one I will be checking out on its opening night, the atmosphere of a cinema full of von Trier fans is something electric, something I experienced on the opening night of his last feature, Melancholia, which I really loved.

Another film I cannot wait to check out is Joseph Gordon-Levitt's directorial debut, Don Jon. The film's trailer (again, here) looks promising and in my opinion, Levitt is somebody I respect greatly. His dedication to art and his work is something that many can only wish for. He supports upcoming filmmakers through his organisation, HitRecord, whilst working full time as an actor and now a director. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is proof that working hard does pay off, and I have no doubts that the film will be another example of how hard working and dedicated he is to making, and starring in, a brilliant piece of cinema.

The second Hunger Games film is coming out later this year, also. I cannot say I am overly excited for this film, in fact, I think I am going to write a post on my entire feelings on the Hunger Games franchise becoming films tomorrow or the day after, but all I can say for this film is that it is my favourite book in the trilogy, with extremely interesting characters and a gripping plot. I'm hoping that Francis Lawrence can pull off making the film as tense as the books, however I am open-minded to the adaptations and happy to watch any director's own take on a novel, as I have said in previous posts.
Jennifer Lawrence is my Katniss. She performs so beautifully in this role and it has propelled her into superstardom as an actress, and quite rightly so. I have complete faith in her performance, however Josh Hutcherson was an extreme disappointment in the first film and I am expecting the same from him in this film, to be honest. Perhaps I will be proved wrong and Lawrence (the director, that is) will evoke emotions and a performance that Gary Ross failed to do.

There is not much content I can talk about with a post like this. The most I can do is to talk about the types of films that catch my eyes. I will be seeing a lot more than these three stated, and I am excited about a lot more than I have written about, however when the only things to go off are trailers, there is a limit to the amount I can discuss films, as I don't like to make too much of a judgement based solely off of two minutes of edited footage.
All of the links to information about the films talked about will be listed below:




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